Smoked Cream Cheese – The Best Party Dip

If you’re like me, you can find yourself spending hours scrolling through the Reels on Facebook.  Well, one day, I stumbled on someone smoking a block of cream cheese.  Initially, I thought they were crazy, but after Googling it, I found it was the latest craze, Smoked Cream Cheese Dip!

I’m a sucker for a good dip to have along with a beer or cold beverage, and I love using the smoker, so this was worth a try!  We’ve already made it a handful of times, and it is always a favorite of ours and any guests we have over. 

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Smoke Time: 1.5 – 2 Hours


  • 8 oz Block of Cream Cheese
  • Your Favorite Spice(s)
  • It’s really that easy!

How to Make Smoked Cream Cheese Dip:

  1. Preheat your smoker to 200 degrees.
  2. While the smoker is preheating, unwrap your cream cheese, place it on a piece of foil, and place it in the freezer.  (This was a little tip I read that makes the prep for the next step a little easier)
  3. After 10 minutes, take the block of cream cheese out of the freezer and make shallow slits in the top of it.  
  4. Pick your favorite spices to sprinkle on top.  A favorite of ours has been the Pit Boss Hickory Bacon.  It has been a challenge for us to find this in stock, so another Hickory Seasoning will also work.  
  5. Once you have your seasoning selected, generously cover the cream cheese with it.
  6. I also like to sprinkle some bacon bits on the foil, along with some fresh chives; it just enhances the flavor.
  7. Smoke for 1.5 – 2 hours.
  8. Once it is off the smoker, mix it all together and if you think it needs some more flavor, add some more of the spice rub.
  9. Serve with pretzels, fritos, chips, crackers, pita chips, really anything you can think of!  (Our personal favorite with the hickory bacon rub is pretzels)

This Smoked Cream Cheese Dip is something you can really make your own.  Experiment with different spices or pre-mixed spice packets.  Make it spicy.  Make it sweet.  The options seem like they are endless with this one, and it is not all that expensive to make.